Category Archives: NUKEⅠ

Some Notes

Transfrom node and roto node:

Denoise first before tracking. Blue channel contains most noises. Write it out then read the denoised plate for the following editing to prevent from crash.

2D Tracking :

Average tracker

Tracker: Translation Rotation Scale

Tracker: Export tranform_matchmove

Reference frame is important!


Roto and export alpha channel.

Shuffle node used to create alpha rotoscoping.

Week 3|First try in rotoscoping

The original shot was extracted from the music video Womxnly (by Jolin Tsai).

Before rotoscoping, the first thing is to set the range of frames and change format into a sequence of still images (such as .tiff / .dpx / .exr). In this work, I chose 24 fps and 2K cinemascope 1828*1556 as settings. The purpose for this work is to get familiar with rotoscoping and explore the use of the roto node.

I just post the work done here:

I tried to divide the targeted object into several parts which move along a more consistent path relatively with each other. It is hard to deal with the clothes, whose shape was changing during the whole organic movement. In this case, I had to correct the outline frame by frame in order to keep the rotoscoping more accurate and precise, though the general shape could be determined in advance. I have not found a good method to solve this issue yet, but it did draw my attension to avoid changing roto points too dispersedly, which might cause unpleasant curve of the rotoscoping variation. Another thing which could be improved with is the camera motion, the tracking function would be helpful in some cases, but I am doubting that if it would be more efficient in irregular high-speed motion rotoscoping.