Cleanup is an important but also time-expensive process in VFX pipeline. We need to remove the unwanted elements from the shot and make sure the affected region in the original plate as less as possible. Roto and tracking techniques are used to help cleaning up.
Rotopaint node is just an older version compared with roto node, the former contains more actions than the latter, such as clone. Clone is mostly used in cleanup.
We may need to denoise the plate firstly to help tracker work in a better performance. On the other hand, since the noise is generated randomly, we need to create a cleaned part based on denoised background, otherwise the cleaned part will contain fixed noise. Finally, we can use regrain to generate a similar and dynamic noise subject to the original plate.
When doing cleanup, there are loads of factors to consider about, such as the change on the environment due to the removed elements. In this shot, the shadow behind the cup should be removed along with the cup itself.