Week 7|Planar Tracking and 2D Tracking

2D Tracking (For Parallax Motion)

Shots without spatial or perspective movement can use 2D tracking, such as parallax movement.

Final Plate
Original Plate
Node Graph

Quality Control using Laplacian node:

The region outside of the replacement feature is all black, which means it is good.

Planar Tracker (For Perspective Motion)

Shots without spatial movement can use planar tracker, such as perspective movement or parallax movement.

Planar Tracking
Node graph

We have two ways to create a planar tracker node, by searching for planar tracker or converting a roto node to a planar tracker, as it is a kind of roto node literally.

roto to planar tracker (1)
roto to planar tracker (2)

We have some choices in tracking setting when exporting a roto node, tracker is an option.

With relative cornerpin2D, the asset image stays the same, following the tracking information to move.

With absolute cornerpin2D, the asset image will be altered to fit the selected tracking plane when following the tracking path.

In the case that we need to adjust the image to proper shape and position, we need another cornerpin node to do a transfer.

More info:


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